
Divisionals Parking and Set-Up

Hey Sharks,

Attached is a map of parking at Gleannloch Farms (19828 Gleannbury Pointe Drive, Spring, TX) and where the Sharks will set-up tents. The Sharks will have the area reserved near the backside of the pool to the left when you are looking at the concessions.

Meet Parking:

Gleannloch Farms will have a shuttle. You can unload your gear, swimmers and other family members at the designated drop off zone in the Pool parking lot (see attached map). Then park at the designated grass field located at the intersection of Gleannbury Pointe / Crescent Clover Drive. Transit from remote parking to the pool will be provided by a local daycare free of charge. Tips are appreciated for drivers volunteering their time.

Shuttle times: 

Morning Shuttle to run from 6:30AM to 8:30 AM

Afternoon Shuttle to run from around 12:30 PM - 4:00 PM (event 47/48 through end of meet)

Friendly reminder about Invitationals: Please make sure you sign up on our website for invitationals by the Saturday 8 PM deadline. We would love to have a big Shark turn out for these meets! Invitational practice times for invitational swimmers will start Monday, June 17th! Times are posted on our website. 

Please email the board if you have any questions about Divisionals. Please email the coaches if you have any questions about invitational entries. 

We are looking forward to a great Divisional meet! Chomp!

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