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Team Size Policy

The team is not a learn-to-swim program and this policy reflects the board's commitment to ensuring swimmers receive optimum coaching attention and the swim facilities are utilized efficiently. The team will utilize a waiting list until registration officially closes. 

Important: If you see that registration is closed on our home page and there is no open registration link on our website, the wait list is considered full and we unfortunately will not be able to take any more swimmers for the current season. 

Shenandoah Sharks Team Population Policy

To aid in the coaches' ability to manage practices, and space availability, there will be a cap on ALL age groups.

  Age as of May 31 Number on Team
  6 & younger 45
  7 & 8 50
  9 & 10 45
  11 & 12 45
  13 & older

Swim Assessment and Shark School

All first year Sharks, 10 & under, shall be assessed prior to in-pool practice to determine ability to swim. The assessment will occur the week before in-water practice and all first-year Sharks will be notified in a timely manner.

During the first two weeks of in-water practice, Shark School will be held to aid swimmers who need a more focused instruction. If, after two weeks, the swimmer's abilities are not at a level that the child can swim the length of the pool in less than 3 minutes, that swimmer's registration fee, minus $120.00 shall be refunded.

During the practice season, each age group shall practice at the designated times. Coaches may, after consultation with parents, move a swimmer into another age group to help manage the number of swimmers in each lane.


Shenandoah Shark registration will open first to returning Shark swim families and Shenandoah residents, regardless of prior team participation. Early registration is strongly suggested.

If the age group cap is met during pre-registration, there will be no further registrations allowed in that age group during regular registration.

If an age group's cap is met, parents may elect to place their swimmer(s) on a waiting list.

The board will manage the waiting list, with the preference of all siblings within a family are able to join the team. If a returning swim family registers after early registration, their swimmer(s) may be put on a waiting list. The board will use the following policy to address the waiting list once registration closes.

  • Priority 1: Siblings of returning team members currently registered for the current season.
  • Priority 2: Siblings of new Shark family swimmers. For example, a new-to-the-Sharks family registers with three swimmers. One is in a capped age group. The Board will endeavor to place the sibling on the team.
  • Priority 3: If there is more than one family with a child in a capped age group, priority will be given by 1) family's years on the team; and/or 2) time/date of registration. In this instance, the board shall communicate with the family regarding the facts.
  • Priority 4: All swimmers who swam with the Sharks in previous years.
  • Priority 5: All other swimmers on the waiting list will be prioritized by date/time of registration.

All families choosing to be on the waiting list will be notified of their status by March 6th. Because family changes may occur between February and the first dryland practice in April, families may choose to remain on the waiting list in the event an age group spot opens up. 

*Please note that the Shenandoah Sharks Board of Directors has the discretion to adjust age group numbers.

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